Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ann Arbor Antiques Market

This morning I got up and drove to Ann Arbor to go to the antique market. I have been going to this show with my mom for the last 4 years.  It wasn't quite the same to go alone, but I still had a grand ol' time. Going to Saline is one of my favorite activities during the spring and summer months. There is always such a fabulous array of pieces at a variety of prices ranges.  Lately, as we have all seen, there is this Industrial/Americana look that is taking off with amazing collections from national chain retailers (i.e. Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn).  I am the first to admit that I love these looks that are being made accessible to the masses.  I love looking through the nicely stylized catalogs and noting certian styles and trends.  This being said, my first inkling would be never to go out and buy a modern reproduction of an antique piece of furniture or accessory.... especially not when the real things can be so easily found at antique markets, many times for less than their contemporary counterparts!  There were so many items in Ann Arbor today that are gracing the covers of our national retailers. The thing is that what you see at the antique market is not "inspired" from the past... it IS the past. I have always loved things with a history and being at the market today was no exception.  I was giddy with excitement and while I could have packed my car to the brim, both my wallet and my sensibility did not allow me to do so. I think anyone who is looking to jazz up their home should go to their local antique market as antiques immediatley add personality, character and a little bit of whimsy. Not to mention, who doesn't love a piece with a story... and I bet the story of how you obatained the piece will beat they now typical "online shopping" or "picked it up at the mall".

This vendor has all sorts of antique books.  I bought some for myself last year.  For about $15 a pop you can create a rich and aesthetically looking collection that looks like it came right out of an old mahogany library.

 This vendor is also something out of the usual.  I found them up in Petoskey, but they made a stop today in Ann Arbor.  These are all different types of paper mache molds. They are so intriquing and beautiful in their own unconventional way. 

I chose to display mine in an antique wooden bowl.  Sometimes they sit on my coffee table or sometimes on my kitchen "island". Regardless, they always spark a commentary.

And... here are my purchases today!

I have been looking for a head/bust for my living room.  Currently it is sitting on my new chest, but I am sure he will have very many different locations over time!
My other purchase was this french container from around 1910.  I have seen this booth before but have never really known how I would use them.  I decided to bit the bullet today and just figure it out.  This label means "salt". Guess I now have a snazzy salt container!

Here are a few other photos from the market.  I should have taken more, but I always feel a little awkward snapping photos of vendor's booths.  I always ask, but it is usually kinda awkward.... mostly just a confused look and a shrug.  Today one vendor kept asking me if I was sure I didn't want to photograph him.  I was sure.

All in all it was a great day.  I cannot wait to go to the show next May... and to have my mom back as my partner in scouting!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I arrived a little early for my meeting at Kingswood today and enjoyed a lengthier walk around to the back door to soak in a little of this spring fever! I think we've made it!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Masters Sunday

Sunday at the Masters only rolls around once a year and it makes for the best way to end a weekend.  I love relaxing and snoozing with  sun streaming through the open windows and the voice of Jim Nantz chiming in the background.  I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends and way to go Phil!

Monday, April 5, 2010


I hope you all enjoyed a beautiful weekend.  Finally, we have opened the windows in our house and let in the spring air.  The house smells fresh and it feels great!  Hogan is also enjoying all these spring scents.  From his post at the front window he is basically going bonkers with every breeze.  He doesn't know what to make of new blooms and critters awakening from hibernation.  There should be caution tape around our yard for for any passing, bird, squirrel and bunny.  Anywhoo, I posted a few pictures of our Easter dinner.  Nancy did such a beautiful job setting the table and making a fabulous meal. (Thank You!) I think these shots communicate nicely her impeccable style. Their home provided beautiful backdrop for yet another memorable holiday. It was such a great, relaxing day- the perfect Easter! 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Weekend!

Today is a good day.  It's Friday. It's 80 degrees. Being that it is the beginning of April, and living in Michigan, this is something we should all celebrate. Also, for some of us, it is a holiday weekend! Good things ahead.  

Tinkering around on the internet this week I stumbled upon Judith Miller Inc. This site has eaten away at minutes of my day because I just cannot tear myself away. Previously, I have not been really aware that being a photographer's representative is an actual job, but now I am aware...aware that this job is super cool. This firm matches extremely talented photographers with projects, clients and campaigns to create the finest and most efficient working relationship. There are about 18 photographers who all have their own portfolios on web display equaling a multitude of moving photos, each one seeming to outdo the next. This competition for fundamental artistic beauty leaves the viewer with an array of inspiring images.

While it is hard to select one artist being superior to the next, I have chosen to showcase some of my favorite images from photographer, James Merrell. His pieces have a voice and tell a story. While I did not include many of his portraits, I enjoyed how they visually told stories about the subjects. I highlighted mostly interior shots here, because I loved how they all had a dash of the unexpected. From the colors to the objects of curiosity, they are truly an array of eye catching moments. My suggestion would be that you set aside some time and view his portfolio, as well as all the other photographers. Just don't do this if you have something that needs your immediate attention, because you are bound to get carried away.

All photos via James Merrell