All the lights in the home are LED or CLF (compact florescent). Great Lakes Lighting took on the task of lighting in the Show Home and I think they did a nice job with the accent lighting, under cabinet lighting and unique cable lighting that is upstairs.
This is pretty flashy too. From Kohler, this troff sink allows for easy waste removal. Imagine chopping veggies and just being able to push them all into this sink and letting the water whisk them away. Neato. The home is equipped with faucets that have low-flow aerators which helps reduce the flow. Low flow fixtures also include showers, toliets and tubs. This helps the consumer save money on bills and of course make them feel good about cutting mother nature a break.
Hellooooooo, Pantry. Movable layers, organizational shelves and fully stocked!
At Duncan Fuller, we are big on this design feature. The "family command center" located right off the kitchen makes scheduling easily accessible for kids and parents. Also, we get a look here at the wood floors in the kitchen. The floor is green-engineered wide plank American walnut flooring, supplied by Schafer Hardwood Flooring Co. Because being local is a big part of being green, Schafer Flooring uses Michigan trees that are harvest by low-enviromental-impact suppliers. By cutting down on the distance for both production and truck transport, this product is a very nice green choice. Not to mention the added bonus... drum roll please...the left over saw dust from cutting and sanding the boards is used by local horse farms for bedding material!
Right off the family room is the conservatory. Not only does this help to bring the outside inside, the palms create the benefit of producing oxygen!
I just took this picture because I love bar carts.

The dining room which is also done by Ralph Lauren. We all know I have a weakness for blue and white porcelain. I LOVE the framed scarf. Delish.
Now, going up stairs....
Upstairs seating done by Resoration Hardware
This tub is like a pool. I wish I had also taken a picture of the shower. I swore I did, but alas, it did not show up on my camera once I got home.
Nothing says bathtime like a bubbles light fixture. I hope they drop this down about 7 feet. It is so close to the ceiling that upon first glance it is unnoticable.
Master Bedroom seating area
Espresso machine in the bedroom. This house has me all wired on the caffine hookups!
The quirkey cable lighting that has a very efficient voltage.
The upstairs laundry. I like the neaky the washer and dryer. Upon first glance no one would know... I should also mention that there is also a laundry room on the first floor. Fully functional with a special dog bath tub!
This house provides many distractions. Distraction numero uno, the theater room. Fully stocked with popcorn machine and candy vendor.
Numero dos, the Wii room. Not to mention there is a craft room, air hockey room, band stage, s'mores fireplace pit...
Well, that is all for now. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures. I will do a post later of even more ideas for the average home owner to utilize the benefits of going green!
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